Start Date:
End Date:
Song 1:
Song 2:
Song 3:
Song 4:

ShowDB - Grateful Dead Setlist Search

Search Tips

Only the date fields are required. Everything else is optional. The more cirteria you include, the more exact your results will be.

Dates: Selecting months/years will limit the search results to the date range specified. If the start date (say 1990) is after the end date (say 1977) then no results will be returned... Makes sense, right?

Venue/City/State: These fields should be self-explanatory. Partial terms are acceptable. Entering gree would return Greensboro Coliseum and The Greek Theater.

Songs: Enter a song title, and select specific set if so desired. Partial terms are acceptable. Entering row would return Row Jimmy and Brown Eyed Women and Let it Grow ...among others.

Notes: The Notes field usually contains the names of special guests, or details about the show. Partial terms are acceptable.

Viewing Setlists

After you perform a search - and assuming there are shows that match your criteria - you'll see a list of shows. Click on any of the shows to view the setlist and info for that particular show.


ShowDB was first online in 2001. It originally contained databases for the Grateful Dead, Jerry Garcia (and assoicated bands), Phish, and a few others. Interest and usage was overwhelmingy related to the GD setlists. The version of ShowDB up to 2015 had some user-interface quirks where some browsers just didn't work right... So I have completely rebuilt the system, optimizing the speed and display so that it should work on pretty much any broswer on any platrform. There are some font issues on broswers that do not support embedded fonts, but the site is still usable.

The original setlist data came from an old Windows application called TapeTracker. It's not around any more, but the data is plenty valuable. Thanks go to Gary Bringman, and Matt Edlhuber for putting together the original database.